Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Look forward to reading your post # 8!

Hi, everyone

I still cannot believe that we are in Week 8. You guys did such a great job in the last seven weeks.

I enjoy reading your post # 7. You guys well explained why or why not you would like to maintain a course website as a future teacher or a speech-language pathologist. Every coin has two sides. I am impressed by how you guys envision yourself using technology to accomplish your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. I am sharing some tools you plan to use as follows
  • Noelle expected to use smart boards and blog
  • Malyce expected to use Facebook, Twitter, and webinars in a formal and involved setting
  • Erika expected to use Blogger to keep her colleagues, friends, and family up-to-date on research she is partaking in.
  • Liz expected to attend college classes, use Blog, and Twitter to accomplish her professional responsibilities
  • Alina expected to attend webinars and use blogs to continue her professional development
  • Hannah, Hayley, and Brittany would use a teacher website to accomplish their professional responsibilities
  • Hayley also expected to use Twitter to communicate and collaborate with others
  • Jacob expected to use RescueTime and Twitter to accomplish her professional responsibilities.
  • Olivia expected Kahoot, some educational videos, and probably have some interactive games for the kids to keep them motivated
  • Kemory expected to use blogs, webinars, and twitter to help with her professional development as a teacher in the future
I look forward to reading your post # 8! I am glad to see some of you have already published your post. Great job!

Your eighth post should contain:
  • A paragraph in which you provide an evaluation/critique of a lesson plan using the Dynamic Instructional Design model presented in the reading and learning materials. Most of you considered the Designer Standards in ISTE standards in your blog post # 2 and comments on your peer's posts. So, in this post, I would like you to provide a link to the lesson plan you are interested in, read it carefully, and assess how the lesson plan follows the Dynamic Instructional Design model.
  • A paragraph about how you might use PowerPoint to support student learning at each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Google it if you need help!) in a particular lesson. Be explicit.
  • A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on the WebQuest assignment and reflect what you like about it/what you don’t like about it. How you can improve it next time and how what you learned from the assignment can be used in your future career? Post a screenshot and link to your website
  • Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post, or add it as a comment to your own post. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Look forward to reading your post # 7!

Hi, everyone

We are in Week 7 now. I enjoyed reading your post # 6. You guys did a great job in sharing interesting class pages, discussing the Digital Divide, and reflecting on your experience with Twitter! I am glad to hear that most of you find Twitter has been beneficial. Let's continue to make the best of Twitter.

I am sharing some cool and interesting class pages shared by your classmate. Check them out if you are interested.

I look forward to reading your post #7! 

Your seventh post should contain:
  • A paragraph about why (or why not) you would like to maintain a course website as a teacher. Do you think course websites are important? Useful? Are they worth the trouble/effort?
  • A paragraph about how you envision yourself using technology to accomplish your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. Refer to the reading and podcast.
  • A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on the last assignment (Web Evaluation) and reflect what you like about it/what you don't like about it, how you can improve it next time, and how what you learned from the assignment can be used in your future career. Please post the screenshot of your assignment. 
  • Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post or add it as a comment to your own post. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Look forward to reading your post # 6!

Hi, everyone

Time flies! We are in Week 6 now. So far, you guys did a terrific job in completing the required blog post every week. I am so glad to have you in the class.

I enjoy reading your post # 5. You did a great job in discussing the ELA standards for different grades, tools on CPALMS, and Web 2.0 tools! You classmates talked about tools used in elementary school and Web 2.0 tools including:

I look forward to checking your post # 6! Your sixth post should contain:
  • Most schools require teachers to maintain a set of class pages on the school website. Visit a school website and look at a few class pages. Write a paragraph about what kinds of information you see publically, (students and parents likely have access to the information you will not see without log-in privileges). Include a screenshot and link to the site. Be sure to identify the school and grade of students.
  • How does the Digital Divide affect student success in schools? What are some causes of the digital divide? Reflect on what you may experience as a classroom teacher and how this will affect your teaching strategies.
  • Reflect on your early course experiences in Twitter. With whom have you been interacting and how have you found it beneficial? Are you experiencing any issues? How might Twitter be helpful in your future career?
  • Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post or add it as a comment to your own post.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Look forward to reading your post # 5!

Hi, everyone

I enjoy reading your post # 4. Your prior online learning experience is varied and inspiring. You made good points about the benefits and disadvantages of online learning. Classroom learning enables us to see the teacher and speak to classmates in person, ask questions and get answers immediately. The flexibility of online learning enables us to study at home anytime during snow days. Despite the disadvantages of online learning, I hope I can make this online course easy for you. Please email me if you have any questions. I am just an email away. I will try my best to respond to you immediately.

You also shared valued resources related to OERs. Great job!

You did a great job in talking about your online experience using different kinds of learning management systems, including Khan Academy, Google Classroom, LinkedIn learning, Moodle, Blackboard, Canvas, Duolingo, Haiku shared by Evelyn, Schoology shared by Alexis. If you have not heard of any of these systems, you are encouraged to check them. You might have to use those systems in the future.

I look forward to reading your post # 5!

Your fifth post should include:

  • A paragraph about the ELA technology standards. Select a grade level from the Standards and Technology Matrices for ELA (Links to an external site.). Choose one of the standards listed and describe it in your own words. Do you feel prepared to implement this standard based on your current skill set? Why or why not?
  • A paragraph about one of the resources or tools in the CPALMS (Links to an external site.) Educator Toolkit. In your own words, describe the tool/resource and why you would use it in your classroom.
  • A paragraph about an interesting Web 2.0 tool that you might use when teaching. Do not choose a tool (Blog, Twitter, or YouTube) we have already covered. Write a review and include a link to the tool.
  • You can add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to when editing your blog or add the paragraph as a comment to your own post.

Remember that you should leave at least two comments to two classmates. You are encouraged to read most of your peers' posts if possible.

What I learned from your post # 6-10