We are in Week 7 now. I enjoyed reading your post # 6. You guys did a great job in sharing interesting class pages, discussing the Digital Divide, and reflecting on your experience with Twitter! I am glad to hear that most of you find Twitter has been beneficial. Let's continue to make the best of Twitter.
I am sharing some cool and interesting class pages shared by your classmate. Check them out if you are interested.
- Noelle shared one class page (https://earhart.goddardusd.com/49583_3) for 2nd grade, which includes interesting buttons you can click on.
- Malyce shared one interesting teacher's page (https://sa.tcitys.org/o/scholars-academy/teacher_pages#/teachers/1398/pages/2459).
- Erika shared one band teacher's page (https://www.franklinboe.org/Page/12926) including important dates and tabs linked to assignments.
- Evelyn shared one teacher's page (https://www.leonschools.net/Page/15949). This teacher uses the Class Dojo app to track every student's behavior.
- Alexis shared one class page (http://www.badenacademy.org/mssmith/) for Mrs. Davis's 2nd Grade, with lots of pictures available without logging into the system
- Morgan shared an interesting school website (http://hitchcock.mpsomaha.org/home) with embedding the Twitter timeline
- Mallory shared one school website (https://www.leonschools.net/hawksrise) where various kinds of information including assignment and class schedules are shared.
- Jacob shared a school website (http://www.viking.portage.k12.oh.us/middle-school-class-pages) where they had class pages for every teacher in every grade for every subject. Each teacher's website includes various kinds of information
- Olivia shared a great teacher's class page (https://mballenger-scs.weebly.com/homework.html) including various kinds of information about homework, schedules, files, etc.
- Hayley shared a great teacher's class page (https://sites.google.com/wrsd.net/msalberghini) including information like announcements, homework, chapter videos, links, etc.
I look forward to reading your post #7!
Your seventh post should contain:
- A paragraph about why (or why not) you would like to maintain a course website as a teacher. Do you think course websites are important? Useful? Are they worth the trouble/effort?
- A paragraph about how you envision yourself using technology to accomplish your professional responsibilities more efficiently and effectively. Refer to the reading and podcast.
- A paragraph on new skills you acquired from working on the last assignment (Web Evaluation) and reflect what you like about it/what you don't like about it, how you can improve it next time, and how what you learned from the assignment can be used in your future career. Please post the screenshot of your assignment.
- Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post or add it as a comment to your own post.
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