Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Look forward to reading your post # 9!

Hi, Everyone 
I enjoyed reading your post #8 and comments on your post. You guys did a great job in sharing a lesson plan, evaluating it using the Dynamic Instructional Design model! I am impressed by how you might use PowerPoint to support student learning at each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. When you work as a teacher in the future, you will often run into the theory of Bloom’s Taxonomy. As instructional designers and teachers, we often establish learning objectives in alignment with each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. 
Your reflections on the WebQuest assignment are thoughtful. I am glad to hear that you guys enjoyed working on it. From my perspective, I like your web design and creativity. 
I am sharing lesson plans evaluated by you guys. If you have not checked those lesson plans, feel free to check them. 
Your ninth post should contain:
  • A paragraph on assistive and adaptive technologies and how they are used to support learners. Reference examples in the reading and podcast. Have you or anyone you have known used such technologies? What challenges do you perceive using adaptive technologies in your classroom?
  • A paragraph on the key principles of Universal Design--Why do you think the key principles are important to addresses the larger issues of usability? You can address this question by providing examples or talking about your experience.
    • Allow for flexibility
    • Be simple and intuitive
    • Minimize errors
    • Include redundant modalities
    • Avoid side effect
  • A paragraph about academic software for students.  Identify two software tools you would like to implement in your future classroom.  Describe the software tools and why you would like to use them with your future students.  
  • A paragraph about your experience with blogging.  What do you like/not like about blogging?  What have you learned, so far, during the blogging process? 
  • Add a simple paragraph indicating who you commented to at the ending of your post or add it as a comment to your own post. 

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What I learned from your post # 6-10